Sep 29, 2022
2022 Mazda3

The catalytic converter is designed to convert toxic chemicals from combustion into less harmful ones. This conversion plays a major role in reducing pollution from automobile exhaust smoke. In time, your converter can become blocked or damaged. As your Mazda dealer, we can repair or replace the converter for you. These are some of the signs that your converter has a problem.

3 Signs You Need a New Catalytic Converter From Your Mazda Dealer

Your Car Is Stalling

If your engine starts and dies almost immediately, you could have a problem with the converter. The chemical reactions that convert dangerous chemicals into harmless ones can generate byproducts like carbon. These byproducts can block the converter and prevent exhaust gases from leaving your engine. A blockage in the converter means the exhaust gases will be forced back into your engine.

The exhaust gases will alter the fuel-air mix in your engine, and the fuel-rich environment can quickly choke your engine. The reason for this is the spark plugs aren’t able to fire without enough air. The lack of air will prevent combustion, and your engine will stop. Our technicians will examine your converter and clear the blockage.

Black Smoke

Black smoke from the exhaust means that your converter isn’t working as it should. This smoke will have a strong rotten egg smell, as it contains hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and other dangerous and toxic chemicals. The most likely cause for these chemicals not being converted is damage to your converter.

A converter can become worn through use, as it does work under high pressure and at extreme temperatures. The converter’s working conditions will gradually damage it and reduce its ability to convert dangerous gases. The converter can also be damaged by combustion problems, low-grade fuel, or other engine issues. We will find the cause of the problem and fix it for you.

Check Engine Light Comes On

The check engine light is connected to a variety of sensors throughout your engine. These sensors monitor critical engine components and provide information for your car’s computer. They also record any disturbance or problem with a component. A failing converter can cause the check engine light to illuminate for several reasons, and one of these is a lack of oxygen in the exhaust gases.

The oxygen sensors in your exhaust monitor the level of oxygen that enters the exhaust. A low level of oxygen means inefficient combustion. Inefficient combustion will increase your fuel costs, as the lack of air means that most fuel won’t burn and will be wasted.

A damaged converter will also increase your emissions, and ultimately harm your engine. If you see any signs of a converter problem, call us ASAP at Tom Bush Mazda.