Mar 9, 2023

Your Mazda’s spark plugs are one of the most important parts of your engine. Without them, your entire ignition system won’t work, and your Mazda won’t be able to start. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the signs of spark plug issues so that you can have them replaced as soon as you need to. Keep reading to find out when you should get in touch with your Mazda dealer to schedule a maintenance checkup.

4 Signs Your Mazda Needs New Spark Plugs

Surging Acceleration 

A common sign that your Mazda is experiencing spark plug issues is if you find your vehicle randomly surging forward when you haven’t hit the accelerator. This can point to an uneven burning of fuel within the engine and is a serious safety risk since it reduces the amount of control that you have over your vehicle on the road.

If you experience surging, you should head to the dealership for a checkup right away. Even if the issue isn’t with a spark plug, it’s something that should be addressed as soon as possible.

Your Engine Has a Rough Idle 

The most obvious sign of a failing spark plug is if there is a knocking or ticking sound while your Mazda is idling. This indicates that your engine is misfiring slightly, which can point to an issue with a spark plug.

Reduced Fuel Efficiency 

In a similar vein to the above points, a rough idling engine is not burning fuel effectively or efficiently, which will translate into poor performance and fuel efficiency of your vehicle. If you notice that you’re visiting the gas station at shorter intervals than ever before, it’s likely time for a check-up at the dealership.

You Haven’t Visited Your Mazda Dealer for a While

Another sign that you may need to replace a spark plug or two is if it’s been quite a while since your last visit to the dealership for regular maintenance. Like any component under the hood, a spark plug withstands a great deal of wear and tear through the normal operation of your car.

Over time, they will become less effective and will need to be replaced so that the rest of your engine can continue doing its job at peak efficiency. The lifespan of a spark plug will depend on the material that it is made from, but in general, you should have them at least looked at every 30,000 miles to assess their condition.  

Spark plug issues are a serious concern to the overall health of your vehicle, but they can be resolved quickly. Experiencing issues with your Mazda? Reach out to the team at Tom Bush Mazda today to schedule your maintenance appointment!